Monday - Friday 7:00am - 7:00pm.
Surgical admission is between 7:00am-8:30am. Late fees are assessed after 8:30am.
Surgical release is between 5:00pm - 7:00pm, unless otherwise instructed. Failure to arrive prior to close of business (7pm) will result in late fees or the patient being required to stay in the hospital overnight resulting in additional hospitalization/boarding charges.
Pre-Operative/Pre-Anesthetic Instructions:
- Please do not allow your pet to eat after midnight the night before the procedure. Water is ok. (Exception: Rabbits should always be fed up to the time of surgery and immediately following surgery - please bring your rabbit's food with them.)
- All surgical/dental patients are required to be admitted between the hours of 7:00am-8:30am (unless otherwise instructed). Any patients attempting to be admitted after 8:30am will be charged a non-negotiable late fee of $20 or may be required to reschedule according to the daily schedule and team availability.
- Upon arrival you will be required to sign an electronic estimate and/or authorization form (sample below for spay/neuter).
- Cats should check-in and proceed into the designated feline waiting area to prevent additional stress. Dogs should remain in the main lobby.
- Aggressive or overactive dogs should arrive at 8:30am and remain in the vehicle or outside with a family member until instructed otherwise. At that time, a TAHO team member will direct you to a designated waiting area or exam room where your pet can wait safely and calmly to be admitted.
- For the safety of all of our clients and patients, all dogs are required to be on a leash. In the event your dog is not on a leash, a TAHO team member will leash your dog and a fee for this leash will be added to your final invoice.
- For the safety of all of our clients and patients, all cats are required to be contained in a safe and latched pet carrier (or live trap for feral/community cats). Cats should never be removed from their carriers/traps at any point while in any waiting area. In the event your cat is brought in without a proper carrier/trap, a TAHO team member will provide a cardboard pet carrier and a fee for this carrier will be added to your final invoice.
- TAHO team members will work as quickly as possible to properly admit each patient; however, because of the volume our medical team may be admitting, you may experience a brief waiting period. Please be sure to allow an adequate window of time.
Pre-operative/Pre-anesthetic bloodwork is recommended to any patient planning to be sedated or put under general anesthesia. These tests are helpful in identifying underlying diseases or metabolic changes that may increase the patient's risks of anesthetic complications.
TAHO offers two in-house lab tests, ranging from $55-$85, that can be performed the morning of surgery.
Senior patients (Dogs >7yrs/Cats > 10yrs) are advised to have more in-depth screenings that require submitting blood samples to our laboratory 24-48 hours in advance and are generally higher in cost; however, clients may elect to have general in-house/pre-op lab tests instead.
IV Catheters ($20) are recommended for any patient planning to be sedated or put under general anesthesia. IVCs allow medical professionals the opportunity to respond more rapidly/efficiently to emergency situations by having immediate access to a vein in which to administer life-saving drugs.
*ALL senior patients are required to have an IVC for any surgical/anesthetic procedure.
IV fluids ($15) are recommended for any patient planning to go under general anesthesia. IVFs help keep the patient hydrated, helps maintain blood pressure, and helps with anesthetic recovery.
Client ID #:
Pets Name:
Species: Sex: Age: Color:
I am the owner (or owner's authorized agent) of patient, and I hereby grant permission to The Animal Health Organization to surgically sterilize this animal.
If, in the course of treatment, a condition is discovered requiring additional medical attention, I authorize the veterinarian, at their discretion, to perform or refuse to perform such procedures.
If patient, is discovered to have fleas, I agree to pay the $10 fee associated with flea treatment.
If patient, is discovered to have lice, I agree to pay the $10 fee associated with lice treatment.
I agree to pay for the additional costs associated with umbilical hernia repair, pregnancy, in-heat, cryptorchid (undescended/hidden testicle), if such condition(s) are present at the time of surgery, or any other medical intervention deemed necessary by the TAHO veterinarian.
If patient, is found to be pregnant at the time of surgery, the surgery will be completed as a spay-abort procedure and will incur additional costs.
If patient, is discovered to be already spayed or neutered, a $40 fee will be charged to cover the costs associated with anesthesia.
I certify that patient, is in good general health and that I have disclosed any known medical conditions, including current medications, to the TAHO team.
I agree that The Animal Health Organization is not responsible for any complications that may arise from exposure to contagious diseases and parasites for which patient, was not previously or properly vaccinated/protected against.
If patient, bites any person involved in this procedure, I agree to quarantine patient, for the required 10 days, as stated by Ohio law.
I understand the risks associated with any surgery and anesthetic procedure, including the possibility of death, and I am willing to accept these risks. I understand that I have the option to take additional pre-operative safety measures at additional costs, including but not limited to, Pre-Operative Bloodwork ($55-$85) and IV Catheter/Fluids ($20/$15).
I agree to follow all post-operative discharge instructions that will be provided and reviewed at the time of patient,'s discharge.
I understand that I am to pick up patient, by 7:00pm, and that failure to do so without communication with a TAHO team member may result in one of the following: Late fee of $20 assessed; Patient required to remain in the hospital overnight resulting in additional hospitalization/boarding fees; patient being considered abandoned and surrendered to our organization.
I have read and understand this authorization and confirm that all information provided within is accurate/true to the best of my knowledge. All fees for the requested services and procedures have been explained to me and I understand that payment is due, in full, at the time of patient's discharge.
**Please note: This form is required. No patient will be admitted for surgery without a signature authorizing and agreeing to this form in it's entirety.
Patient Name Date:
Procedure performed: (here we will list all procedures and services performed.)
Medications being dispensed: (all medications being dispensed will be listed here)
These instructions are specific to your pet’s surgery and post-operative needs. Please be sure to follow these instructions and address any specific questions or concerns you may have with a member of the TAHO medical team.
Postoperative examinations
Patient does not need to return for a follow up examination unless there are concerns regarding the recovery or healing process. A member of our medical team will be contacting you 1-2 days after surgery to see how Patient is doing. Please contact us immediately with any questions or concerns you may have.
Restriction in Activity
We know how difficult it can be to restrict activity after surgery; however, it is very important to restrict activity for 10-14 days following this procedure. Patient should not be permitted to run, jump, play, or perform any other strenuous activity during this period of healing.
Patient may be groggy for about 12-24 hours after anesthesia. During this period, it is important to assist your pet when getting into or out of automobiles, and walking and climbing up or down steps during this period. At home, confine your pet to prevent accidents and/or injury.
Pain Management
Be sure you understand how to administer Patient's medication prior to leaving today. DO NOT attempt to administer any medications, including non-prescription/over-the-counter medications, that were not prescribed by the veterinarian today. Please contact us if you feel Patient is showing any signs of pain.
Precautions That Should Be Observed After General Anesthesia
Home Care Instructions for Surgical Incisions
Your pet has an incisional wound that requires daily care and monitoring.
TAHO will treat any post-operative surgical complications at minimal costs if all post-operative care instructions are properly followed. TAHO will not be responsible for any complications that results from failure to follow post-operative care instructions, or for any issues resulting from exposure to contagious diseases and/or parasites for which Patient was not previously or properly vaccinated and/or protected from.
Please contact TAHO with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the health and recovery of Patient during the recovery period.
Additional Notes: (any additional notes explaining in detail additional services/procedures performed outside of routine spay/neuter will be highlighted here.)
Please contact our hospital directly with any and all questions and/or concerns regarding your pet's surgical/anesthetic recovery.
7206 Gooding Boulevard, Delaware, Ohio 43015, United States
Phone: (740) 549-1950 After-Hours Post-Surgery Emergency Line: (740) 549-1950 ext. 9
Due to the increased demand for veterinary services our clients may experience (and should expect) longer-than-normal/extended waiting periods.
Please be assured that our team is working diligently to continue to provide the high level of medical and client service we are so well known for.